Thursday, August 28, 2008

Richmond: Le Jeune Frere

Le Jeune Frere [Little Brother] by William Bouguereau (1825-1905), Oil on Canvas, 1903, is stored at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. It will be displayed when the new wing opens.

"William Bouguereau is unquestionably one of history's greatest artistic geniuses. Yet in the past century, his reputation and unparalleled accomplishments have undergone a libelous, dishonest, relentless and systematic assault of immense proportions. His name was stricken from most history texts and when included it was only to blindly, degrade and disparage him and his work. Yet, as we shall see, it was he who single handedly opened the French academies to women, and it was he who was arguably the greatest painter of the human figure in all of art history. His figures come to life like no previous artist has ever before or ever since achieved. He wasn’t just the best ever at painting human anatomy, more importantly he captured the tender and subtlest nuances of personality and mood. Bouguereau caught the very souls and spirits of his subjects much like Rembrandt. Rembrandt is said to have captured the soul of age. Bouguereau captured the soul of youth." -- Fred Ross, Art Renewal Center

Monday, August 25, 2008

Totonto: Academy of Realist Art Posts Fall Workshop Schedule

Portraiture - Head and Hands
October 20-31, 2008
Instructor: Juan Martinez

Alla Prima Portrait Painting: Capture the appearance of the live model with this direct approach
December 8-12, 2008
Instructor: Juan Martinez

Richmond: Open Figure Drawing - Life Drawing

Visual Arts Center
6:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Adult students may come and draw or paint from a model. No instruction. Bring all of your own materials. Easels provided.
$6 - pay in class

Uptown Gallery Open Figure Drawing
6:30 PM - 9:30 PM
This group has met weekly for life drawing since 1987. Bring your own easel.
Fee varies based on attendance. $6 - $10.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Richmond: Old Master Methods Workshop

Virginia Museum Studio School
Donald Schrader
1 session, Oct 11
Sat, 10 am-4 pm
Studio School, Conference Room
$85 (VMFA members $70)
Enrollment limit: 10
The great Baroque masters achieved dramatic effects using techniques quite different from those familiar to the oil painter of today. In this workshop students will discover through illustrated lectures and demonstration the craft-oriented procedures employed by the Old Masters. We will explore four critical subjects—the face, the figure, draperies, and the landscape—and cover canvas preparation, color types and sources, paint ingredients, and the uses of drawings in paintings.